GMNF Global Mission Society recommends: 

FULLER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY  &  FULLER EQUIP for Missiological and Psychological resources

Reasons why we recommend Fuller?

TIME MAGAZINE    1976 - "RELIGION:BIBLE BATTLES" , referred to the general consensus that Fuller Theological Seminary is "the best U.S. divinity school"

NEW YORK TIMES    1982 - "MAINSTREAM U.S. EVANGELICAL SURGE IN PROTESTANT INFLUENCE"  "Fuller not only one of the nations largest theological schools but also, in the opinion of many church experts, the most influential

LOS ANGELES TIMES    2003 - JESUS WITH A GENIUS GRANT "Fuller, the largest evangelical seminary in North America -- and arguably the most influential, by number of pastors and educators trained"

Links below:

- Fuller Theological Seminary School of Mission and Theology

-Fuller Equip

Len Tang

 Fuller Church Planting Initiative:

Jake Mulder

Fuller Equip:

Fuller Youth Institute: