Education at Dallas Theological Seminary

By Anton Williams, Founder

GMNF recommends Dallas Theological Seminary for theological equipping


Currently, DTS is the largest multi/non denominational seminary in the world comprising of over 2,600 students from over 100 countries and 70 denominations.  DTS has free courses which over 800,000 people globally are taking as DTS learners

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DTS Alumni Influence

A 2002-2003 survey of alumni of Dallas Theological Seminary shows the influence that DTS has on the market

*Note: This survey was taken in 2002 when the Dallas Seminary alumni base was about 10,000. In 2023 there are about 20,000 alumni to the number of DTS graduates serving in various roles is substantially higher.

source: - Dallas Seminary 2002-2003 catalog page 11


DTS is the most influential seminary in the world:

Some of the faithful expositional scholars who served as professors of Dallas Theological Seminary include but are not limited to: