Authorship of Pauline Epistles

By Anton Williams, Founder

Authorship of the letters of the Apostle Paul

Traditional/Conservative view:  Apostle Paul wrote all the letters ascribed to him in the New Testament

Progressive/Liberal View: Several letters were not written by Paul but some anonymous writer

Paul's authorship of all the letters ascribed to him is confirmed by objective/external evidence

Using true critical methodologies to corroborate an assertion on the authorship of the Pauline epistles confirms the historical, traditional view as reality.

When a person lines up both liberal and conservative views side by side and evaluates on the basis of objective/external evidence the liberal view loses every time. Analysis demonstrates the liberal theory never happened. Conversely, Paul's authorship is corroborated by independent data (external/objective)

For the critic to refute this conclusion from objective evidence, it is not sufficient to merely deny the evidence but objective /external evidence to the contrary must be presented. It doesn't exist as the analysis demonstrates from independent sources that Paul authorship versus the view he didn't write the epistles is favorable on a scale of 70 to 0. 

Confirmation of the authorship, recipients and authenticity of the letters